Wednesday, August 27, 2008

going for a ride!

this is how my kids entertain themselves when I am doing dishes or other various jobs around the house, when they do entertain themselves wich never seems often enough.


Toni said...

Hey I bag tagged ya! its like 3 down on my page. What happens if Kyle does not get 10 more sold? will he loose alot of money?

Ashley said...

that is cracking me up! Poor Dahlia, if that was me though i think i'd puke. I love how kids come up with the funniest things to entertain themselves...

Holly and Steve said...

They are so cute. I love when you put videos up, they always make me laugh. Tell them hi for me!:)

mkchilds said...

Hey its fun to see your blog too. As for me, no we dont have a kid, that is why i have time for all the other suff...really would rather have kids, but sometimes we dont get what we want when we want it. :)Good to hear from you!!!

Toni said...

Hey! I am excited to see ya this weekend. Just make sure you send me directions before you leave:)or maybe we could meet somewhere easy then I could follow you guys up! (like at a gas station right off an exit or something) oh yeah and do you know what time you would like to do it at? I am so excited! YAY!

Toni said...

Oh Hooooollee! I suggest you go take a little gander at my photo blog and I think you will be pleasantly surprised! Cute Cute Cute! And so I need your address!