Wednesday, February 11, 2009

for Bobi

At mickeys birthday party as I was taking pictures, my littlest sister, Bobi kept asking if it was going on the blog, then she insisted I take a good picture of her and Amy to put up, after about twenty tries this is what we came up with.


Toni said...

You have some HOT sisters.... I would be all over them..... if only I was single, oh and a guy! Ha ha ha ha I am HI-larious!

Anonymous said...

ew barf i hate the first one alot ugghh gag me

Toni said...

Oh no, your was not strange - it was actually really good to talk to you. It was My mom, her three sisters, and my grandma that called. I would anwnser and they would say .... tooooni, and I would say - yeah. ..... Do you have something to telllllll us. They would say it all sly and slow. It was weird. :)